With Love for All - Renee Ho

“Whatever you do, lead with love,” says Renee Ho, founder & executive director of Amor Para Todos (Love for All). When a loved one came out as transgender in 2019, Renee vowed to do whatever was needed to love, support, and protect them. There’s a fifty percent chance that a transgender person will seriously consider ending their life. Renee pledged to change that statistic and created a school-based early prevention program that celebrates gender diversity.

As you listen to this episode, consider: How do we create communities where everyone is celebrated? What step can you take today to see yourself and others more fully reflected in the world? How were you educated about gender diversity and what would you like to see as a key lesson in schools?

How does she keep going in difficult times? Renee invokes a lesson she learned from her father while playing soccer years ago. “Never give up,” she tells me. “Even when you’re down 5-0. It’s go time.”

Listen to Renee’s episode here.